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Cranks Twice Then Nothing

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has anyone had this before or have any ideas please?


my 205 1.1 cranks over twice then dies completely - nothing, try again and no click or anything, if you leave it a few minutes it then cranks over normal speed twice then dies again


if you bump start it you can get it going, then turn the ignition off and it will start again on the hkey no problems, but if you leave it for more than 10 minutes it does the "crank crank dead" thing


it started fine yesterday (and not had any similar problems with it before), i parked it outside hotel in lands end last night and gave my keys to a mate to move it this morning, he said he tried to move it and it cranked over but just wouldnt start (theres a nack to the choke position from cold) so he pushed it out the way, but when i went to get in it it did the crank crank dead thing, but he says it was cranking for longer than that before they moved it - so somewhere between my mate trying to start it and it being pushed across the car park its developed this problem :lol:


have tried jump starting it off two cars, have swapped the battery for a known good one and same problem

it bump starts no problem, but needs a long run up otherwise it dies when you brake

ive driven it from lands end to bedfordshire today (approx 400 miles) so its had plenty of time to dry out if it was damp electrics, and starts on the key if turned off and on straight away


i'll try swapping the starter, but to me that would just cause it to click not to start for 2/3 turns then die wiyth no click? any other ideas please??

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I think it could be the starer, if it was the battery you'd eventually get the clikkkkkkky from the solenoid rather than just the 2 turns.


had a diesel 405 a few months ago and it wouldn't turn the engine over fast enough to fire up even with a booster connected up, swapped the starter and it fired up first time.

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ahh okies will try that then - just never had one half-die before!


any ideas what starters fit on a base model 205 please? is it just 205 TU ones?

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just Tu starters, but have you tried the battery?

Edited by BERTMAN

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ive swapped the battery for the one off my mates car which was and is still working fine, and tried jump starting off a couple of cars


voltage on the battery is 13.5v dropping to 11.5 when cranking so thats normal, same on the starter motor so i dont think its the wiring


plus it cranks nice and fast each time, and then just dies - so not like it runs out of juice, it just stops after 2 cranks!

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Tom Fenton

Try the starter motor first, but it sounds strange that it cranks twice and then stops. Last time I had this problem it was on my old 306 DT, the head gasket had gone and it was filling one of the bores with water, and then hydraulic-ing itself as I tried to start it.


Next time it does it try whipping the plugs out when it has played dead and then see if it will spin over.

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i would say solonoid wire could be breaking down or try new starter Try and elimintae sol wire first by putting a new bit of wire from batter to solonoid. Pull coil wires off so it wont start and see if it will crank over 10 times or so

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