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Oil Leak

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Have searched and it appears this might be the cause of the following symptoms:


Slight oil leak coming from bottom of engine. Taken the flywheel inspection plate off and oil and cleaned up the area around the sump and sump-spacer adjacent to the flywheel. When I turn the engine off oil seems to run round the bottom of the spacer (on the side of the spacer, so in effect just above the "seal" between the sump and spacer). I cannot see where the leak starts from due to the narrowness of the gap between the flywheel/block/spacer.


What's most likely cause?


I have nipped up the sump bolts in that area, but don't think it is the sump seal for the reasons above.


Also, it only seems to leak after I've turned the engine off, not whilst it's running - ??!


There doesn't appear to be any oil running down the inside of the flywheel - would it do this if it was the crankshaft seal?


Could it be the seal between the spacer and block?



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Could be crankshaft seal , spacer plate or this sealing stripes on the 1-st main bearing cap :






Try to reseal the spacer plate first :rolleyes:


Damir :o

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