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What Are These? And Where Do They Go?

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Ok, I'm trying to put all the parts of my 205 GTI back together after reshelling it into an XS. It's been so long, I cant remember where these come from, or how they fit.




Can anyone tell me what they are, and where they go and how to orient them? Or at least direct me to a picture in Servicebox?


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I think they go between the rad, or fan assy. and bodywork at the bottom?

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IIRC the rubber bits that cushion the fan assy on the body work have both sides bent outwards.

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Yes they do. They're not something i recognise!

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I think they hold the front lip of the fuel tank and sit on the shell under the rear seats ???

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I think they go between the rad, or fan assy. and bodywork at the bottom?


I'm thinking that's where they're from, as I presently don't have anything between the radiator/fan assembly and the bodywork. In the back of my mind, I'm thinking they do have to do with the fan assembly, but I can't remember how or where.


I think they hold the front lip of the fuel tank and sit on the shell under the rear seats ???


They remind me of those too, but those have a little lip with a hole in them.


Ok, did a search on Servicebox, and right about now I'm feeling a bit silly.




They're shown as item 12. Maybe once I get these in, I'll get the radiator spacers (item 5) to sit flat, as they're not sitting flat how they're currently mounted.


But hang on, do they mount onto the metal of the bodywork, or onto the bottom of the fan assembly?

Edited by humanz

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that's odd, they look nothing like the ones on the 2 205's I have here!

Edited by welshpug

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