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Couple Of Quick Qs

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1. The top of my dipstick has broken - are 1.6 and 1.9 dipsticks the same? Need to get one quick. The oil on the dipstick, right down to the bottom is going mayo-like - I guess this is just because moisture can get in right?


2. I have are nasty squeak/groaning noise coming from the steering. I was sure this was coming from the column inside the car, so have spent the afternoon taking it out only to find that it probably isn't from the upper column. Bum. Where is it likely to be from? It basically happens whenever the the steering wheel is turned and is continuous...


Any suggestions appreciated as I've got to put it all back together tomorrow so the mrs can get to work on Mon. On that note, is it ok to drive with no "top" to the dipstick - only a short distance?





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Buy a new dipstick from Pug' I think they are about a fiver.


Buy some motorbike chainlube and spray the UJ on the column in the engine bay, also the pull the rubber back on the top of each droplink and stick the straw (that you get with the chainlube) into the joint and fill it up.


The noise is usually from the droplinks.



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Power steering? If so, the fluid could be low which makes the most awful groaning sound ever when the steering wheel is turned!

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Nick -cheers for that I'll try that chain lube on the drop links.


Yes, it is power steering, but I've checked the level and it seems fine. Even with the engine turned off and just moving the s/wheel from side to side a bit, it makes the same noise (albeit a lot quieter), so I hope this just means bushes/joints or something like Nick suggests...

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This is doing my head in now. Still can't figure it out. It isn't coming from the droplinks. Have lubed the UJ in the engine bay - still no joy. Also the UJ on the inside of the car. It's either coming from the actual rack itself OR the upper column - from the steering wheel - anyone had this problem before? I have taken the entire upper column out and when disconnected it was fine. However, when reconnected, it really does sound as though it's coming from there, rather than the rack itself, though I guess the noise could be just transmitting along the enitre steering column.


Any ideas, I've run out :)

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I have also noticed that it only does it when warmed up, but cannot work out where it's coming from. How hard is it to take the rack off?

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