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Leaking Boot

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There are two small holes in each bottom corner of the tailgate. Water come out of these and runs down into the boot floor. I've taken the boot lock apart and resealed it, also the rear spoiler where I had read somewhere that water gets in through the spoiler bolt holes. However, annoyingly, it's still letting in water from somewhere.....any ideas? The window seals appear to be okay.





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Possibly the boot seal itself?

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I have the same problem on my silver 205 , think it will be trail and error do a search and you will find loads of topic's on leaking 205 :D



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I also have a leak somewhere in the boot...


Is there a good way of finding out where it's leaking?


So far I think it could be either the tailgate or the rear windows....

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Well, trial and error with a hose pipe suggested that it was still the spoiler mounting points, so re-sealed them (did a better job this time) so will see if that works. Mine is leaking from the bottom corners of the tailgate. They look like drain holes, but when shut, they are on the inside of the seal! I guess they're not meant to be drain holes, but that's what they're acting as at the moment due to a leak 'somewhere' in the tailgate.

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Well, trial and error with a hose pipe suggested that it was still the spoiler mounting points, so re-sealed them (did a better job this time) so will see if that works. Mine is leaking from the bottom corners of the tailgate. They look like drain holes, but when shut, they are on the inside of the seal! I guess they're not meant to be drain holes, but that's what they're acting as at the moment due to a leak 'somewhere' in the tailgate.


What about the wiper or washer jet? If I was me, I'd remove the plastic trim and get someone to drench the back end with water while you sit in the boot and watch where the water is leaking in.



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brian j

On mine it was the screen seal itself. I tried for months to trace it and got stuck. In the end I pulled the rubber surround out and then it was obvious where the leak was. Just cleaned up the groove round the screen and ran black silicone round.. If you are careful and smooth it out with a wet finger afterward, it looks better than original and cures all screen leaks in one.


Worth a try if you get no joy with what you've done.

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Can i ask what silicone you used, mite do that myself



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Super Josh

Is it possible to remove the trim, silicone up where the leak is and then put the trim back in place? I think mine might be leaking from the rear screen too.





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