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Guest sleep envy

Feeling A Bit Deflated - Porous Alloys

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Guest sleep envy

I know alloys will leak at a steady rate but the ones on my current 205 are the worst I've ever had, and that's incl 2 previous 205s


I'm losing around 2 PSI a week per alloy which is a pain in the bum as I'll end up knackering my tyres - the tyres have been checked for punctures, they're all fine, and the loss is consistant to all 4


is there any sealant I can apply to the rim without taking the tyres off?


thinking laterally the alloys have been refurbished, would this have exascerbated the porousity?

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I know alloys will leak at a steady rate but the ones on my current 205 are the worst I've ever had, and that's incl 2 previous 205s


I'm losing around 2 PSI a week per alloy which is a pain in the bum as I'll end up knackering my tyres - the tyres have been checked for punctures, they're all fine, and the loss is consistant to all 4


is there any sealant I can apply to the rim without taking the tyres off?


thinking laterally the alloys have been refurbished, would this have exascerbated the porousity?


Have the tyres been refitted "dry" i.e. without any bead sealant?

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Guest sleep envy

TBH I don't know but seeing as it's genrally not the norm to do so I'd say no

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i have once had some porous alloys... literally - little holes in a few spots! :)

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if you feel its worth it, get a tyre company to clean the rim up and the tyre bead, use sealer and fit new valves for good measure. thats what i would do anyway

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The problem is, that wont work, it is as mentioned before, holes in the actuall inner rim of the wheel.


I sorted it on a set of speedlines by painting thick on the dish after blasting

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Guest sleep envy
I sorted it on a set of speedlines by painting thick on the dish after blasting


what did you use?

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ahh i see now, i have seen this once on a lotus alloy, it looked liked they used some sort of very hard glue. not sure if it was very good but they said it never leaked

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I had some alloys that would let out about 10psi overnight; a swab of sealant around the bead when new tyres were being put on sorted it. The guy used a thick orangy putty like sealant that doesn't seem to set fully (or at least takes over 24 hours).

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