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Guest sleep envy

Slooooooooooooooow Wipers

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Guest sleep envy

hello chaps!


just bought myself a 1.9 to replace my 1.9 which was carelessly parked under a tipper truck :)


anyways, my new 205 is fine fettle except for one thing - the wipers are slow


when I mean slow they look like they're doing you a favour just out of spite


regardless of what setting they sweep across the screen at the same speed - is the motor kapput or is it a case of stripping it down, cleaning it, grease it up and refit?


also what spanner rating is it to get to the motor? I'm guessing taking the scuttle cover off shouldn't be too much of a PITA??



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yeah sounds like your motors bust.


Not sure on officvial spanner rating as i don't have my haynes to hand but yeah its dead easy.

1. Whip wiper arms off

2. Undo 4 scuttle panel reatining screws

3. unplug motor wiring

4. undo linkage & motor reatining bolts


job done


just make sure when you refit the scuttle panle afterward you get the top edge back under the bottom of the window seal. It can be a bit fiddly but perservere

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its worth taking the motor and spindles apart and greasing them up, they're most likely dry as a bone after 20 odd years!

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Another thing to check is the splines ( or lack of ) inside the black wiper arm that the blade sits in.

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Guest sleep envy

ok cheers guys


something to do next weekend

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