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Bump Stops

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Hello all,

had my 1.6 in over the pit today and noticed that the rear left bump stop was missing, all tat was left the bolt head. I then went to the right hand one to investigate and this proceeded to break off in my hand. It was badly corroded, now all that is left is the bolthead on the two side members.. My question is; are these bolts threaded into the member or is there a nut on them.. i was wondering as i may have to resort to using the grinder to get the whores off..


thanks, joe

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Super Josh

The cups that hold the bump stops eventually corode and fall apart, and then you are just let with the bolt. You can buy new ones from Pug, around 6-7 pounds a side, not sure what your local stealer will want in Euros. I replaced both, as I figured the other wouldn't be too far behind B)

I soaked the bolts in Plus Gas and the put on a spanner and gave it a short sharp shock to break the rust bond. Screw in the new bolt/cup and work in the new bump stop, a little bid of washing up liquid may help.





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Really gonna sound thick here, but are there really bump stops on the rear? I fitted new OE Pug shocks a couple of months ago and I'm fairly sure the parts CD had nothing on it about bumpstops.


Hmm, must go and load it up.

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The rear bump stops arent anything to do with the shocks, they are mounted on the chassis, above the beam trailing arms. B)

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Really gonna sound thick here, but are there really bump stops on the rear? I fitted new OE Pug shocks a couple of months ago and I'm fairly sure the parts CD had nothing on it about bumpstops.


Hmm, must go and load it up.



Yes there really are.



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ok cheers..

just saw them on autofive for about 21euro for the pair.. so prob try that rather go thru the dreaded dealer. cant see gettin the old bolts out being trrribly easy though, they r very rusty and slightly rounded- should be fun

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Ebay item number 300140308411


They have got off every rounded bolt I've ever come across, even got off locking wheel bolts which were round

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Joey I would check with your dealer how much they are first, not sure on the Irish pricing policies, but in GBP the bumpstops are;


5166 28 REBOUND BLOCK 6.01 GBP 7.06 GBP


ALWAYS check the dealer price first B)



thats for the complete assembly not just the rubber part.

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I'm a believer!


The question now is, do I have them? The answer is probably no!


Joey, if you can't get 'em from a dealer let me know and I could send a pair 'south of the border, down Mexico way!' (couldn't resist that last bit). Might try to negotiate on 2 pairs.


Hope the weather's better down there than it is here!

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Ebay item number 300140308411


They have got off every rounded bolt I've ever come across, even got off locking wheel bolts which were round


This should make you laugh. I've got one missing bump stop and thought I need something to remove the nut checked out your link and thought I've seen those attachments somewher before. I have them in my Halfords kit and always wondered what they were for :D Now I know :D

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Thanks people..

i got the two bolts off this evening,. On the right hand side bolt we had to weld on a new 22mm nut to the rusty bolthead cos there was no way it was coming off wit a socket or anything else and then twas simple to just take it off wit the ratchet. On the left hand side it was a bit more straigt forward.. Vice grip, A splash of heat, lashings of WD40 and plenty of swearing to help the process along.

As regards replacements will look into to it more tomorrow, why im reluctant to go thru the dealer, is that previously i was waiting about 3months for gear linkages and a shaggin dipstick :D , so i dont have much faith in them tbh. Maybe they are better over ter?


ragards joe

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