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Washer Motor/resistor? Fallen Out From Bottle

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I think I've got a dodgy wire somewhere on my windscreen washer system as it would only work intermitantly. I tried to inspect the wires and in the process pulled the stopper/Resister/motor? out of the bottle. I shuved it back in immediatley but can't have done it right as the next time I looked it had fallen out and all my washer fluid had drained out.


When I tried to push it back in 'properly' I pushed the rubber bit inside the bottle and I can't get to it to put it back together :unsure:


Any advise/tips on how to reasemble it? and also best place to start looking for the offending wire?


All suggestions greatfully received!




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Its likely just a corroded connection on the plug that plugs into the motor on the bottle. Mine stopped working so I chopped it off and replaced it with 2 spade connectors, works fine now. Put a multimeter across the 2 pins, if it shows 12v but still not working when you pull the wiper stalk, then its not getting enough current through which likely means a corroded connection.


Cant you fish the rubber seal out from the filler hole with a piece of coat hangar or something?


It all just pushes together, if the seal is all perished you will need a new one but otherwise its just a push fit.



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Its likely just a corroded connection on the plug that plugs into the motor on the bottle. Mine stopped working so I chopped it off and replaced it with 2 spade connectors, works fine now. Put a multimeter across the 2 pins, if it shows 12v but still not working when you pull the wiper stalk, then its not getting enough current through which likely means a corroded connection.


Thanks, I'll check with multimeter at the weekend (Need to find a battery). Although the connectors both looked ok, and the washers would work intermitently which is why I thought it could be wiring. Although the multimeter should confirm!


Cant you fish the rubber seal out from the filler hole with a piece of coat hangar or something?


Can do, I just wanted to check whether its best to put the rubber seal on the motor 1st and then push the whole lot into the bottle or whether the seal needed to be put on from the inside of the bottle?


Many thanks


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Usually better to have the seal in the bottle first, that way the motor will just push through but with the rubber on the motor you have the added hasle of getting the edges through the hole.



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Ta, I will have a go at sorting this problem this weekend if I have the chance! tbh I've put up with it all summer so far and due to bizare weather haven't been arsed to do owt about it :)


I think its an MOT failure tho'? so will have to sort sooner or later :lol:



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YEah it will be an MOT failure if your washer jets don't jet.


Bung in first, then slide the motor in. Easy peasy :)



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