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Oil Surge / Baffling Sump - Help!

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Need some quick advice on this. I've noticed very obvious oil surge problems on hard cornering in an '89 1.6 GTi. Not having worked on the oil system a great deal yet, it seems that it's either down to the sump having no baffling and it needs fixing, or the oil pressure sender's somewhere really pointless and I needn't worry every time I take a hard 90 degree turn and the dash lights up like a Christmas tree. I suspect the former rather than the latter. Where IS the oil pressure sender by the way? And is there one for the low pressure light and a separate sender for the oil pressure gauge? I guess what I'm really getting at is whether when the light comes on it's the pump sucking air and I've got a very brief grace period to straighten up, or somewhere even more crucial has just run dry? :unsure:


But the big question is, can anyone recommend somewhere that will do a decently baffled sump on exchange? Or a kit that can be just welded in without any problems? Cheers!

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try a search, you'll get pics and everything. whats the oil level like?

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