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Urgent Help Needed - Mi Oil Pump Swap

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I've want to swap oil pumps on my 1.9 Mi16 but I can't get the pump off the chain . I've been told that there should be enough slack in the chain once you remove the 3 bolts & spacer plate between the pump & the block .


I've removed all that but the chain seems to be still too tight . I can't see how I can get the pump off without stripping off the timing belt , etc & sliding off the chain with the top sprocket as per the haynes manual . I don't want to do that as it's too much extra work & I've just got the tension set right on the cam belt .


Anyone any ideas ?

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it's exactly how it's supposed to be. it looks as if your going to fail and have to do a lot more work, after checking on the forum and double checking the haynes, then one last woble and for no reason it will come off. it's happened to me, just try and think really logicaly about where the pump is and the tilt and try, it will come off.

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I guess I was having a bit of a blonde moment earlier on as I hadn't removed the sump spacer plate . ^_^ Once it was off I was able to move the pump over & get enough slack in the chain to remove the pump .


Thanks for the help anyway .

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