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Door Loom Metal Clips

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Just a quick tip for you all here. Not the most innovative thing ever but what the hell, here goes....


I've twice had to feck around trying to remove the wiring loom from inside my doors because it's held in place by some clips that are riveted to the door skin.


This first occurred when Teknopug and I swapped my drivers door. I found that once the clips had been bent enough to release the wiring, they became loose and rattled around in the door afterwards. I then had the same hassle when fitting leccy windows to my passenger door the other week but this time I found it a complete swine to even bend the clips back out to get the wiring back underneath.


So basically, my advice is so drill the little s*its out. Bin the buggers, they are absolute crap. I've drilled secondary holes above each of the original holes in the skin where they were rivetted in, and then looped cable ties through the holes to hold the loom in place (otherwise it just rattles inside the door). Now if the loom ever needs to come out for whatever reason it takes seconds to cut off the cable ties (rather than butchering your fingers trying to faff around with those clips ;) ), and seconds to stick new cable ties back in again.


Job jobbed. Another problem solved with cable ties. 205 Gti owners best friend :o

Edited by GLPoomobile

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Good plan! i hate those damn clips! ;)

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