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Guest kuipers23

Little Problems

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Guest kuipers23



I have a few nigley problems with my 1992 205 gti 1.9.


The p\s and abs lights are on even though i have p\s and the brake pads were changes a few weeks ago.

Has any one else had this problem? I think it is a loose connection.


The heater fan is stuck on almost full blast. The dial won't turn back for some reason. Any clues?


The windscreen sprayers don't work. Pretty sure its the motor but is there anything else to check first?


One last thing. Some times the p\s light, abs light and the fan turn off and the battery light comes on. This only happens for a few seconds.


Any suggestions.



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The windscreen sprayers don't work. Pretty sure its the motor but is there anything else to check first?

A quick easy check is to swap it for the rear one (providing that one works, lol). They both have the same fittings, and it'll at least eliminate one possibile cause :)

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The heater fan is stuck on almost full blast. The dial won't turn back for some reason. Any clues?


Do u mean the actual dial is stuck on full blast?, or can you turn the dial but either way it still stays on full?

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Guest kuipers23
Do u mean the actual dial is stuck on full blast?, or can you turn the dial but either way it still stays on full?

The dial is stuck on full blast. You can't turn it back.


The back motor motor doesn't work either. think i'll just by two new ones.

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The dial is stuck on full blast. You can't turn it back.


The mechanism may be stuck. Take of the dials and the gray back plate, then remove the white suround with the circuit board on and the upper part of the centre console...you then should be able to see all the workings, it may be that the cables/linkages are stuck.

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Guest kuipers23

Changed the motors for the wind screen sprayers and they work fine now.


Have to get a new switch to fix the heater blower problems.


The abs and disk pad lights are still on and it is a daily occurence that these will turn off along with the gauges and the battery light will come on. Then i hit a bump and they will all come back on again.


Must be a lose connection but what should i check?

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