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Speaker Wires?

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Just fitting some nice Pioneers I picked up on eBay for peanuts. I have the passenger side speaker out, one wire is white, one is blue. Which goes on the 'small' pin on the Pioneer, and which goes on the 'big' pin? Thought I'd ask nicely before I got the soldering iron out :)

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Somebody might be able to give you a straight answer, i.e. blue is positive, white is neg (that's just a guess by the way). But if they can't, first off it won't do any harm either to the speaker or your head unit (CD player etc); but your bass performance will be much worse off.


There is a simple way to test your connection. Wire the speaker up, maybe as I said above but without soldering the terminals yet. Play a CD which has a quite obvious, regular bass drum beat in it; some bobby pop or dance song perhaps.


With the tips of your fingers on the cone or something light resting on it like the end of a biro, then when the bass note plays if the cone moves outwards, then you've got it wired correctly. If not obviously swap over, check for the outwards movement and if you get it then or if you got it right first time solder the wires to the speaker terminals.


This is not a silly method, it works. In fact system test CD's have tracks for doing exactly this but they are just sine wave pulses. There are some other phase tests but this is the simplest and easiest to get what you're after.


Best of luck.


Rich :)

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Hey Rich!


Yup, that's a brilliant way of testing which is which, alright, but, I know someone on here will know off the top of their head that blue is + and white is -, I could whip out the head-unit and have a look at the plugs on the back but I'm being extra lazy because it's cold.


I just want to walk out to the shed and get soldering.


Don't hate me :)

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I'm sure Dr S and I could get complicated by discussing the differences between electrical and acoustical phase, but I think that's beyond the scope of your question :D


The only thing I can say to help, is that all the factory speakers in my car had one coloured wire, and one white one, so I think it's fairly safe to asume that white is negative. But to be honest, as long as you connect them all up the same (i.e. using the whites for all the -ves or all the +ves) all your speakers will be electrically in phase :)

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Guest Rollermike

Yes, white is negative throughtout the all of the wires, when i think the front positive ones in mine were blue and pink, strange, but just test them out on the old speakers if you have any doubts, or test it quietly, it wont break anything.

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Just in case you need to know, like I did ;) the larger connector is the positive.

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