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Guest R3GG

Motorway Madness

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Guest R3GG

Well I went up to Cambridge and back last week in the 1.1, which is about a 600 mile round trip from where I live. Six hundred miles of just trying to keep up on the motorways wasn't much fun and I had near enough a whole andrex factory in each ear to keep the noise out.


This made me wonder about the XU engines at motorway speed. The TU1M does around 3,000 rpm at 60mph, is it a lot different for the XU? I was also wondering if there is much of a difference between the 1.6 and 1.9?


I don't see many old men in micras doing 70mph with blood spraying from their tearducts and ears like me.


(EDIT: Ok i meant to post that in just · XU Engine & Gearbox)

Edited by R3GG

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That's about the same as GTi's, give or take.


You're pulling around 3800rpm at 80mph on a 1.9 box, about 4000 on an Mi16 box, and 4200rpm on a 1.6 box.


I personally don't find even 1.6 gearboxes too short on the motorway...

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Guest R3GG

Thats surprising. I guess GTI's have the under bonnet sound proofing which must count for something. I find if I'm on a journey for more than one and a half hours then I start to notice the difference in my hearing when I get out. This is with the standard exhaust which doesnt have the centre silencer - it's fairly loud inside the car when you lift off at 60-70mph but probably nothing compared to some of the aftermarket dustbins you see around.

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I used to have a 1.0 Trio Plus and I don't think it was any worse than the gti i have now. They are not cars for long journeys specially motorways as the exhaust noise can be monotonous. Saying that, I have done 15k miles during the last year in mine and a few 8/10hr journeys...

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XS does around 4000 at 70 iirc

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It depends on a lot on how happy the engine is spinning at those speeds and how much load it's under, not just purely the revs its doing. The XU engine seems like like sitting at 4000rpm but a a little 1.1 TU might be rougher/under more load.

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It was noticably louder in the cabin of my XUD than my GTi because of the extra soundproofing, not just the engine noise but road noise etc. It wasn't unbearable though :D

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The 205 is one of the worst cars I've ever driven on a motorway (1.6!). Conversely, it is one of the best off it. It's just a very focussed car, unlike modern ones which are made to do a bit of both. Didn't stop us taking it around France/Switzerland/Italy several years ago when it was a lot newer though and I didn't seem to notice it was so much of a problem on the autoroutes back then...

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Guest R3GG

Thanks for all the replies, i definitely think soundproofing and that central silencer make a difference. It's fine on twisty roads because your speed is changing all the time but driving for 9 hours at 70mph is probably pretty tiring in a lot of cars. The new engine is on around 30k miles now and I didnt have any reliability problems! I'll have to get some of that bonnet padding in for next time! :P

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When I had the 1.9 gearbo on the Mi16 and a pretty quiet (Jetex) exhaust mine was really quiet (relatively speaking) at 90.

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Jimmy Jazz

I have a 1.6 and when I drive into Bath everyday it can get a bit frustrating and this is only on the a4 not on the motorway. Mine is not especially loud at high speeds, I suppose because I am running away from the noise and my engine is good and smooth but I know that I am using petrol like nobodys business.


My friend has got a longer 4th and 5th gear and this seems to cruise quite nicely even at 110+ this is only on a race track of course...



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Guest R3GG

That sounds like an interesting mod for somebody who was going to change their engine anyway :) Maybe If I can break the sound barrier.... :)

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i used to find with just a magnex back box and a k&n induction kit , 1.6 gti ,that everything would resonate at 70ish mph and sitting at 80 was much queiter(sp) .

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