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Guest dobbo

Diagnosing Engine Management Light

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Guest dobbo

Ran a quick search but couldn't find any topics covering this.


Does anyone know under what conditions the engine management light will illuminate on a 1993 K plate 1.9gti?


It's running a standard engine, as I understand it most 205s don't have this diagnostic light.


The light previously used to illuminate on odd occasions with no noticable impact and the light would subsequently go off, without me having done anything.


This weekend we stripped down and cleaned up the air intake system, AFM and Oil breather system, We adjusted the C0 and idle speed at the same time to get them to where the haynes manual says they should be. We also cleaned up most of the electrical contacts on the intake and ignition system.


As a result have a much smoother running car - however now the engine management light seems to illuminate more frequently. Only thing I can guess is that as it's got a catalytic converter some sort of exhaust probe may be getting a reading to cause the light to come one.... but I know very little about these cars!


any help appreciated!



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A 1993 K plate car wil have a CAT & you will need a fault code reader to read the ecu stored fault code & clear it afterwards.


A list of the codes & how to test it are in this reply by petert.


Hopefully this will help you find the reason its lighting up.



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Guest dobbo

excellent, thankyou. I guess my searching prowess is equally as poor as my engine knowledge.


5 mins with a bit of wire should get the fault code out of it! :blink:

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