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Would This Fit Easily

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First off forgive me as it's not a French engine.


I was reading the article in a PPC magazine I had about the Rover T16 engine. It sounds like a cheap reliable and easy to tune engine. From the pictures it looks very much like the size of a MI16 engine. Does anyone know if this would fit in a 205, what problems would you come up against fitting it?



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It will no doubt fit but would be a fair bit of work and not really worth the effort IMO. If your going to fit a non-pug engine in the 205 then go for something bonkers like the french guys that stuck a Supra engine in :P


Issues would be driveshafts and gearbox, also engine mounts (but that goes without saying really)... I'm sure the list goes on and on...

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It will no doubt fit but would be a fair bit of work and not really worth the effort IMO. If your going to fit a non-pug engine in the 205 then go for something bonkers like the french guys that stuck a Supra engine in :P


Issues would be driveshafts and gearbox, also engine mounts (but that goes without saying really)... I'm sure the list goes on and on...


Tend to agree.


You can make anything fit if you've the time, patience, money, engineering knowhow and access to machinery.

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Assuming it fits.


Custom driveshafts can be made by sleeving rover ones to pug ones.

Wiring can be handled by an aftermarket ECU

Engine mounts can be welded in I guess.


Anything is possible as seen, but its whether to money and grief is worth it for the gain.


I am sure for the cost of the above with that engine you could build a turbo'd S16/Mi16 that would be a better install.

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scrap that idea then guys.

Thanks for the imput

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