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Original Stereo Conectors

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Can someone please give me some advise?

I want to put the original stereo back in the car. It has a non standard stereo at the mo, however i have the orignal one for the car and plan to put it back in. Yesterday i had the non standard one out. The stereo loom is all still intact however the loom has two connectors where as the original stereo only has one. I thought the two would clip into the connector coming from stereo, but they dont, they are too big. Its one black (4 pins long) one brown (4 pins long) connectors in the original loom that need to somehow fit into wiring loom from original stereo wich is black and is about 7 pins long.

Sorry for the lack of photos and a poor description.


Can anyone help?



Edited by grantpug

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either cut and rewire using a volt meter(simple job) or buy an adapter from the stereo shop..cos it sounds like some else has already altered the plugs

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Most cars have been hacked in the past (a real pain in the posterior) and it sounds like yous is one of them. The loom should have a single red connector on it.



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