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Trailing Arm Mods For 4x4... Rear Beem Gurus Help Needed

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can any1 confirm that it the 205/309 trailing arms can be modded to take a hub and bearings instead of the stub axle? without haveing a look at mine off the car im not too sure. specific dimensions of these arms and the hubs used (106 have been suggested) would be great. i can get the machine work done if its feasable.


the other alternative, would the rear arms from a bx be suitable for modding to fit a 309/205 torsion system?

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hehe im good and ive now figuered it out and have the trailing arms and hubs ready for my 4x4 :lol:

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bloody hell that was quick! you gonna share then?

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maybe!:D of course i will... but only when ive managed to find a mi16x4 box to replace the one im about to smash to peices... got a spanner in the works... all will be revealed in a write up by end of summer :D

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Inferno, if you are looking for a 4x4 box there is (was about 2 months ago) on in a local scrappy near me, this is their web site if you are interested.

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v intrested if its the mi16 one


best ive managed to find at the mo is a 405 sri one with 3months warrenty on 72k... bit dubious as to weather its worth spending 250 only to break it and need to exchange it again...


a rebuilt box with a modded shaft would cost me around 800 though so alls not lost.


that breaker are engaged!!!

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I can prob go over there on friday and check if it is still there and find out how much they want for it.


Didnt know there was an 4x4 sri? :)

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ok if u could go to the breaker... and check it out... apparently the transfer box is off of it so im thinking u may be able to see how good the week splines look? they offered it to me at a very good price delivered too!:)

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Sorry mate didnt get down there today, but i'll definately be able to go there on sunday. I'll take the digi camera with me and take some pics and post them up so you can have a look at them.


By the way how much did they offer them to you? I was enquiring after the price and they wanted around 200 for them. But I found the whole 4x4 running gear for the same price elsewere(the transfer box looks almost brand new compared to the rest of it, still got the stickers on it! )! I think we are both thinking along the same lines 4x4 309 with mi (poss turbo) power. Unfortunately I do not have the money at the moment to do much but the engine is getting there slowely. Then when its done I'll tackle the 4x4 part. BY the way I was reading somewhere that there is some electronics that control the transfer box. Is this correct, and if so what is it, because I do not have it.

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i would be using the 2litre turbo and possibly later the 2.2 16v turbo im in the middle of peicing together. but with the stories on the 4x4 tx i doubt itll ever c over 150 bhp for reliabilitys sake!


they offered the gearbox at a v good rate... but 200 for the whole lot seems cheep! tbh im giving up looking now, so dont go out of yr way to get the pics, im picking up a mint 1.9 tomorow to play with for now. so ill strip out the 4x4 gear on my bx first and clean everything up and dummy fit it before i look for the box again! cheers for yr help though!:P

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Got down to the scrappy today and got the pics, had to go down there anyway for some bits for my car.


So here they are:









Hope they help if you do get the parts.


I am interested to see how you are doing the rear axle set up, is it in a similar style to the Dangle 4x4's,

my main interest is in how you are bracing it, and holding the rear diff. I imagine you are using a cut down version of what id on the 405.

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nice one thanx for that... looks all good with a new tx box! im getting my 4x4 next weekend... i got my gti 309 today... ill post pics as im doing it, or better still make a website dedicated to it. im laying it out like the dangal... but im not 100% how they did it...


bracing is not a problem im a welder/fabricater by trade:P

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Aw you bugger, I so wish I could weld ;) ,


Its on my 'too learn' list once my mech eng HND is out the way!


I have looked at all the pics I can find of the dangel set up and it is annoyingly non-informative! probaly on purpouse so no one steals the idea!


When you have doen yours I'll prob come and ahve to see how you did it. Much better to use the 309 beam than the 405 which set up it is so heavy. When i picked it up i got a bit of a surprise when they craned what looked like about 1/4 of a car in the back :D


Do you know how easy it is to get drive shafts shortened and still retain their strength. Or is it a case of cutting and shutting and doing a good job with the welding?


Good luck and I'm looking forward to seeing the results!

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