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Which Way Do These Gaskets Go?

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Hope someone can help me,

I am swoping a head over on my mi 16 engine and i am unsure which way round the new head gasket go's if it matters atal?


Allso the gasket on the exhaust manifold, which way does this go as one side is flat and the other side around the holes are slightly indented?

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not sure about your HG, or your mani gaskets really (!) - but the indents on the mani gaskets sound like fire rings - not sure if they need to face the head or the mani - or whether it matters at all


if it's the same port/stud configuration as the 8v head (dunno), there is only one way round you can correctly fit the gaskets, which'll require some fiddling as it's difficult to see what's going on back there - could try using a little mirror or something

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Ive not done any Pugs, but at work, 99% of the gaskets i install that have the bobbled effect u mention. Go smooth side to head,as normally they will only fit one way.

Does the HG go on either way ? Does it have no marking at all to indicate top or front ? If there is no noticble difference between the 2 sides, then it shouldnt really matter. But be sure that it is identical both sides !

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Rob Turbo

With the head gasket just make sure all the oil/water ways line up, also, there should be a tab sticking out of the gasket, this goes on the gearbox side towards the exhaust manifold IIRC

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IIRC the head gasket will say top on it but if not its like Rob says above.



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thanks guys

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