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Front Seats

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hi everyone not sure if this has been posted as there are so many seat posts.


ive just fitted a set of phase 1 half leathers to my brothers(bitchass 205) gti and he has a second set he wants to take a good seat from each set and make a good pair.


question is how do i change the passenger side to the drivers side i.e the recliner handle and the tilt forward handle. i dnt really want to cut much as i and he will want it looking as original as possible.


any help will be a great. thanks

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I think the only way to do this to leave it looking original is to strip the good seat and swap the foam/fabric/leather onto the correct sided seat frame.


Bit of a daunting job but not really that hard - just a bit fiddly.


You can just swap the subframes over but it puts the recliner mech on the wrong side (and I think something fouls in the tilt lever area that needs tweaking to fit).


Edit: forgot to add if it's just the seat base thats worn then just this bit can be swapped over (foam and leather/fabric cover).

Edited by sherly

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thats what i feared. i think at least 2 of the four seats have good foams and leather which is the seats he wants to use.


i will wait till he reads this and see what he wants me to do. thanks for the instant reply sherly

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bitchass 205



Unfortunatly its the bolster that runs up the side, its not split but its gone brown. Have got a set of front seats which i'm going to pick up at the end of the month, one is in good condition one isn't. Was going to try to use the two passenger seats.


Any help would be great, also any tips or if anyone has done the retrim please let me (or my brother cause its him who will actually do it cause i'm a big girl when it comes to cars) know.


Oh, sherly what is the reg no of your car, i used to own a miami blue pug reg no j429 pkv, was wondering what happened to it.

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