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Odd non starting issue..

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Hello all,


I have a Mi16 converted 1.6 which has recently had an odd non starting issue develop.


For the past couple of months the starter has just clicked occasionally but the car has always started on the second or third turn of the key. Not uncommon. 


I changed the fuse board two weeks ago as the horn wasn't working and it was MOT time. That fixed the horn, but since then a couple of times I've gone to start the car,dash lights up as usual, the starter motor has made it's click and then nothing. No power anywhere at all. If I get out, disconnect one of the battery terminals and reconnect it away it goes and it's fine. 


I assumed it was do do with the new fuse board initially, so I wiggled all the fuses and relays and it's been fine for a couple of weeks. Today it's done exactly the same again. Reconnect the battery, power is reinstated and away it goes.


Any ideas what might be going on?

Cheers Justin

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The starter circuit doesn’t go through the fuses. The contacts in the switch wear over time and can no longer carry the starter solenoid current. Adding a relay between battery & solenoid usually solves it. 
It could also be that the solenoid is gone.

I’d use a wire direct from battery to solenoid as test to begin with.

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Thanks Peter. That all makes sense. What I don't understand (amongst many things!) is why occasionally after the initial attempt to crank the electrics die completely - it's like the battery has been physically disconnected from the car. Reconnect and away it goes, no problem. 


Many thanks,

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