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Why Do Certain Marques Have Such Big Followings

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Right chaps,


I've been away for a while, mainly because life and "stuff" has kept me busy. whilst I still have my 205 I've ended up getting bitten by the VW bug. I started off with a lowlight bay window a few years back and also had a T4 camper at the same time. After selling both in a relatively short space of time I'm now balls deep in restoring a 1959 Splitty panel van.


Now, because a 1959 car generally will be fairly rusty if left outside in a farmers field for 30 years I need a few replacement parts. I've always fancied a Splitty but for one reason or another never got round to actually owning one until now and because of that never really had much of an eye on the VW scene.


But, I am properly shocked at how readily available parts are for these old aircooled things, so far every panel, mechanical part, electrical item or random bolt is available to buy online from a massive amount of suppliers.


So.....why is this?? Why do Marques like VW have such a massive cult like following? Old Fords command high prices and no doubt have businesses dedicated to preserving them but why are they so sought after? I'm sure there are clubs dedicated to most manufacturers/models but why is there such a "scene" for some and not others?

I'm not just talking about nowadays either, what made hippys want to drive splittys and beetles specifically?


In years to come will there be Peugeot parts reproduced or as readily available with such a following as Volkswagens,fords or minis? I think not.

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It's just because ford were massive in the UK because of the daggenham cars and vw are massive all over the world. Iconic cars demand prices and once they do people restoring them start to make demand for repro parts.


To be honest only really the 205gti has that real icon status in Europe and now clean ones are rising in price a lot more parts are being made because people are restoring them instead of scrapping and buying a new one for less money

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MG have the lArgest car club of any.

You can still get hold of heritage body shells.

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You mentioned one word "cult" which is really what it's all about, and plus the fact that people know the value of these, especially the split screen vans, will only go up.

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I've always thought it odd how hippys who are into 'loving each other' and peace etc chose a car designed by Hitler!

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The beetle was along with ferdinand porsche but the camper was designed by a Dutch business owner in the 50's iirc

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