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Henry Yorke

205 Driving Light Wiring Fuse

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Henry Yorke

One of my driving lights was not working correctly which I think was due to a bad earth as you could earth the bulb to the body and it illuminated. You could also earth the bulb to the driving light female connector on the loom using a different piece of wire and it would work, but not when connected normally. There was no resistence in the male connector to the bulb either.


Anyway, in my messing about I think I managed to short the circuit as I heard a noise and the other driving light went out and I no longer get power to the positive side of the female connector for the driving light. I assumed I had just blown a fuse, but they are all fine in the fusebox and also the shunt box at the front. My high beam works fine on my headlights, but just no driving lights now.


Is there a fuse somewhere for just the driving lights? I think the relay is meant to be in the box behind the passenger side strut top.

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Not 100% on this but possibly a green relay which is screwed to front of scuttle panel and to right of header tank maybe???

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The relay is in the main fusebox under the dash. It's the first one on the left iirc.


The relays in the engine bay are the dim-dip relay, and the 1.9 horn relay.

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Henry Yorke

There must be 2 relays or 2 fuses if the main beam works on the H4 bulb and the driving lights don't though. 2 fuses seems the most likely as I would be surprised if any lighting circuilt didn't have a fuse in it somewhere, a bit like below.



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AFAIK there are no fuses anywhere other than the fuse box and shunt box.


I've never really looked at the driving light circuit but something I have seen a few times over the years would make me look at the wiring diagram before going any further, if you turn the main beam on in a 205 with the headlights removed the driving lights come on as you would expect but they stay on when you turn the switch off!

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Henry Yorke

That is what I thought too, so it is hard to figure out what may have failed apart from the relay. I wonder if a wire has burnt out somewhere? Does anyone know where the driving lights join the fuseboard?

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Power for the lights comes from pin 6 of plug F on the fusebox (the white 7-pin plug on the left of the second row back).

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Henry Yorke

Well just to close this topic off, I went to my 1992 1FM tonight, armed with a multimeter to do some more testing.


First thing, the relay on the far left of the fusebox is for the driving lights only. If you remove it then you still get the main and dipped beam on the headlights.


Secondly, I looked in the Haynes manual and there is a diagram of the fuse board with all the wires for the post 1989 cars and whilst it says that Fuse 4 is a spare, if you actually look at the wiring schematic, the relay does go to pin 6 in Plug F as Ryan said, but also one of the feeds goes back to Fuse 4 where a 15 amp fuse resides. On closer inspection, this fuse had actually blown just to the side of the "window" so it was hard to see.


A new 15 amp fuse in and my driving lights work again (well one of them as I still seem to have this bad earth on the drivers side)

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