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Saxo/106 Wiper Motor & Linkage Swap

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After learning that a Saxo/106 wiper motor is a straight swap, I thought I'd upgrade mine as the F plate Cti one is pretty useless as it's slow and judders accross the screen.

The Saxo motor was only £10 off ebay (205 ones are going for around £30.) and it came with all the linkages and spindles, that obviously won't fit to the 205 shell.


The motor is actually an upgraded version of the old 205 one and plugs straight in when the linkage and mounting is swapped over. From the outside they look identical, but the Saxo one has smaller magents inside to allow for more windings on the rotor,


It's certainly improved the speed of the arms as they used to struggle to pull the wipers over the screen, but I'm still getting a bad judder, which is worse when the screen is dry.

It looks like the problem is the play in the wiper arm spindles, so I was looking a the "improved" Saxo ally housing with a brass insert spindles left over from my ebay purchase.

I've ground off parts of the Ally casting on the Saxo spindle hub leaving just the flat mounting face. I'm planning on making a bracket to make them fit.


Anyone tried this? or replaced theirs with ones from an differnent car?



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