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Firing Her Up After Winter Hibernation....

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Just been out to the two zero, went to start it up and boom, flat battery. Great. Found a friend willing to


give me a push down the street and it just wouldn't bump off. I appreciate the fuel might have gone off


but that wasn't the problem it was the strange noise it was making when I dropped the clutch. Bearing in


mind a week before putting her away for winter I change the gearbox but I drove it home from the lockup


back to my house so know that's not the issue. I've charged a battery and connected it up tonight but


again when I tried to fire it up the strange whizzing noise was there again and it wouldn't fire. It sound


like the starter has fallen off (or nearly) but it looks tight on and it has been started a few times over


winter just not for a few months.


Any ideas what might have happened? Seems strange as it hasn't moved out if the garage!

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Could I have sheared the teeth off the starter?

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more like its solenoid has gone stiff through being sat cold for a long time, try warming it up with a heat gun but dont over do it

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But it is turning over as it fired up for a brief moment but the gone off fuel made it die straight away...

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highly unlikely its the fuel, I've fired cars up on 4 year old fuel just fine.

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Maybe the starter then I'm going to whip it off see what's going on.

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