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Wiring Queries - Previous Alarm?

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not really sure what answer i am hoping for really, but going to ask anyway


referring to this photo:




am rebuilding a 205 1.6 gti from scratch. i didn't pay much attention to pulling it apart but did notice it had a few wiring alterations around the ignition barrel area. i assume it's fairly common to see things like this, maybe it'd had some form of alarm etc in the past


the car ran fine anyway before i took it apart, and it may still run fine when i come to put it back together (well, with it's gti6 engine)


this grey plug which is near the ignition barrel - forget what it connects to exactly until i put everything else back in - it's basically got 5 wires which i need to clarify what they do / what they DID


the 2x green ones were always cut and had nothing connected


the black wire at the bottom next to the green wire (which has a brown wire crimped to it) went to the +12v side of a red LED bulb (looks like alarm warning light in the dash)


both of the other wires are earth wires which are splicing into the above earth to the alarm LED, but they run through a 'push to make' switch, which looks like a tiny contact sensor, something you'd see under the bonnet so when it's lifted it breaks the circuit


is this the remnants of an old factory fitted alarm? or aftermarket alarm etc? no alarm disabling or anything was needed when i bought the car to start it or anything. no infrared fobs etc.. just key to start it


i've also seen a few chock blocks which look interconnected to pick up feeds from the indicator stalk and these branch over to the ignition barrel loom. so just wondering if this is typical of another alarm being there in the past


technically so far i have no problem as the car should still run as before but i'm always curious of stuff like this

Edited by rikky

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this thread went down spectacularly.. :wacko:

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ade 4wd

That is aftermarket wiring. Trace where each wire goes and disconnect it.

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To be fair, I'm not quite sure what you were expecting?


As said, it's aftermarket wiring and one would assume that it's related to an old alarm or immobiliser, but clearly it's impossible for any of us to be able to state that for certain, Assuming that it is is related to an old alarm. the any of the wiring you've pictured should be safe to remove if the car starts and runs.


It's going to be near enough impossible for anyone to diagnose exactly what the random wires on the old alarm did without being able to trace them. Generally speaking, you'll have power and an earth or two, one or two circuits immobilised, door/boot/bonnet opening wiring/switches, and joins into the indicator wiring.


Those awful scotchlock connectors are a classic sign of a previous alarm install. Remove them as a matter of course, and check that the copper wiring they spliced into isn't overly damaged as a result, and make sure that you cover the damaged outer shealth to prevent possible shorts in future.

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thing is, them scotchlock things are everywhere and look like they form part of the wiring - eg now not removable!


sorry, i realise it was a tall ask. i just thought someone might see them and think 'yeah they are pretty common on the 205 as an X X X installlation' or whatever. i've backtracked the wiring from the plug in the photo above and disconnected it all, but the other scotchlock things look more complicated. not really sure what they are doing at the moment but there's nothing aftermarket connected like sensors or switches so can't work out what they're doing. painful to look at!


i wasn't sure if the black or green cut wires in my photo were originally there or not, and if so, what they went to, as there's no trace of it. i've pulled the 5 wires out for now and will do my best to work out the rest.




queue a 'car won't start' thread in the near future :)

Edited by rikky

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Best way to figure out what the scotchlocks are about is to find the number off the original wire that they are locked on to - should give a clue to their purpose


I recently removed a load of this crap from a friends 205 and turned out that more or less all of them could just be removed with no ill effects - but i checked the wire numbers first.

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