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Gear Stick Movement

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Hi Guys,


I recently started a thread about having a sloppy gear change and asking for advice with this. After doing some more driving in the car today I have noticed that the movement is only front to back, the gear stick can me moved a good inch or so up and down while in neutral. While this is not a massive problem it does make for interesting gear changes as the front to back movement is quite exaggerated because of this. My clutch cable snapped this morning so hopefully is being replaced tomorrow is there anything I can look for to try and tighten up the gear change?


Thanks for all the help



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Do a search - this topic has been covered countless times.


Replacing worn bushes and gear rods, and tightening the pivot ball on the subframe tend to do wonders.

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Thanks Anthony,


is it easy to locate the pivot ball and tighten it?

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13mm deep socket and put the car on a kerb and reach under the subframe. Difficulty : none. Time : 30seconds or less

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am I looking under the car about where the gear stick is? do I need to put another spanner on top to stop it spinning?


Thanks for the reply

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no, at the subframe near the steering rack.

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as above, and yes you might need to use a spanner, i think the one on top is either 13mm or 15mm from memory

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Worn.... My gear linkage is knackerd too! you can be in 5th and push the gearstick all the way over the 1st!


Just replace the gearlinkage, ive got a new linkage from Baker Bushes but not had chance to fit it

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I can find all the gears fine, just have a lot of movement front to back, tried locating the pivot ball but cant seem to! anyone got pictures by any chance?

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lok at the bottom of the gearstick for the large long gear rod, follow it to the subframe where it'll be wobbling about like feck :lol:

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Ive recently converted my 205 to a turbo engine and my gearstick is so sloppy its unreal, ive checked the ball on the subframe and linkages, the ball is tight and the linkages arnt loose and slack on the location balls.


Is there anyway i can just remove the slack and tighten things up a bit?

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I have the opposite, where the gearchange has recently become stiff. Any ideas what can be causing this?

I have a 1.9 BE1 gearbox with BBM rods and subframe linkage kit, which have been fine for about three years since fitting.

The clutch pedal feels the same as ever. Not had an opportunity to have a look see at all the connections yet...


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