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Mi16 Liner Seals?

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so i rebuilt my mi16,dropped it in the 205 had the emmerald ecu mapped for running in and everything was good.Then to save a couple hundred quid decided that before it went back to be fully mapped i would have the head ported and flowed,now when i took the head off i did'nt clamp the liners down but they did'nt looked like they had been disturbed!!had the head back fitted with new gasket and bolts and connected everything back up,started her up got up to temp then checked oil,water and mayonaise!!!!!!!! so fast forward to today,have stripped it all again this time taken liners and pistons out aswell and every single seal was pinched and mashed like the liners had been moving,is this possible as they are clamped down with the head?? any ideas???

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replace the seals, job jobbed :)


btw try using the enter key every now and then, makes things far easier to read.

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new seals, ask for the XU7 (306 1.8 8v) seals as they come in cheaper than the XU5 or XU9 ones

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Thanks,putting it all back together tomorrow and hopefully no mayonaise!!!

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