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de Noir

309 Driveshaft + Wishbones Issue

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de Noir



Has anyone had an issue of a (right-hand) 309 driveshaft on 309 wishbones being too long?


I'm after sorting the shaking-when-turning-left issue on my car

On most occasions when turning left (no matter of lock) I get knocking sound and noticeable vibration from right front wheel.

Vibration is fast, taut and rhytmic.

Sound I get is machine gun with silencer style, thh-thh-thh... It is most definetely not the broken propshaft sound.


I'am suspecting of 309 driveshaft being too long and thus having no room for play into the inner joint.

'Middle' driveshaft bearing, the one next to lower engine mount, is fitted new.

Engine sits in its regular position, no tilting or any mod in that direction.


I remember reading that people run both 205 and 309 driveshafts on 309 wishbones.


Before I take the driveshaft down and try a 205 item, does someone have similar experience with this?




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I had this issue on a 306. I know you said its 'definetly' not it but the driveshaft was fine at low speed; no clicking on full lock or what you would expect for a failure but at speed would vibrate like a b*tch when turning left; it was still the driveshaft at fault. Fitted a new one and its been 100% fine since. I would look into that before getting into wishbones or hubs being at fault.



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Was it a new shaft or S/H one? quite often shafts are supplied wrong at the moment, I;ve had one too short for a 205 so work that one out

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de Noir

It's a shaft that belonged to 309 GTI16 donor vehicle and was behaving fine while driving it.


I'm getting this 'moment' when giving a left lock.

Sometimes it occurs even at smallest turn-in, yet again sometimes I can turn around rundabout without noticing anything.


Haven't had time to test more, it seems like it's front right weel load dependant, somehow.


Hubs are fine, bearings, wishbones, droplinks, steering rods and everything else new and tight.



My best guess is to try with 205 propshaft and see what happens.

Edited by MH_

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I had this problem. The shorter 309 shaft seemed too long so I changed it to a 205 shaft and not had a problem since. I was using 309 arms, shafts and a gti6 engine

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de Noir
I had this problem. The shorter 309 shaft seemed too long so I changed it to a 205 shaft and not had a problem since. I was using 309 arms, shafts and a gti6 engine




cheers guys

thanks for yr comments


jp, I hope that's my situation too

Edited by MH_

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de Noir

It was the right hand driveshaft being too long.

This also compromised a steering a bit.


Fitted 8v shaft, everything's perfect with transmission/steering.


Cheers guys, to the next one. :lol:

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I had problems with this. I put 309 bones and shafts on, and had considerable knocking on left turns, if i remember correctly i put a 205 shaft in and kept the 309 wishbones, not had a knock since (other than from my LSD at low speeds)


You are right that it knocks becauase there is no play as the wheel wants to move up and down the shaft can't move.

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