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Intermittant Starting Fault

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I keep getting a problem starting, if car is left for say a week sometimes car will not start, will turn over no problem but not start - no spark

If I add a jump start battery it will then start suggests small increase in voltage is needed?


Problem got worse this weekend and would not start even with jump start, then suddenly fired after 3 hours of checking wiring and swapping components


Think it might be the ignition module (amplifier), tried swapping other componenets but made no difference and did not have an spare ignition module


Have noticed that when it refuses to start the rev counter does not flicker, so I guess the signal on the rev counter is linked to spark generator but not sure what gives the signal to the rev counter


Any ideas/thoughts before I swap the ignition module





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I've had experience with an intermittant starting problem that turned out to be the ignition amp. It would randomly refuse to start with no obvious pattern, gradually doing it with inreasing frequency until it eventually gave up altogether. Once started though it always ran faultlessly


If I'm right then more battery voltage would make sense as the faster the engine spins the bigger the signal from the hall sensors in the distributer and with this type of failure it does seem to be a ignition amp input sensitivity issue.



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