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Be1 Gearbox Difference's To Be3

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just want something cleared up please, i was under the impression that a be1 box either a 1.6/1.9 is different to a be3 box because be1 has lift reverse and the removeable L shaped bracket for cable to go into plus the small "pin" that go's between fork and arm, a be3 i thought had arm "fixed" to box and also that the lift cable isnt there but a blanking plug for filling gear oil.

Now today, i saw rhulpugs car (GTI-6'd 205 with 1.9 8v box) and it had lift reverse cable but also had "fixed" arm for cable!! odd i thought!, now rhulpug wants me to fit a mi box to the car, the pics i have seen of mi box clearly show a "fixed" arm and from what i can see no blanking plug kinda meaning that its the same set up as his current box? He thinks the mi box is a be1 box and he had posted asking if there was anything needed to do the job, i think it was welshpug that mentioned clutch pedal/cable etc??


Can someone advise me/rhulpug what to do!! lol

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might already be an MI16 box, that's how earlier MI16's were.



edit, I see what you mean now :blush: yes a BE1 Mi16 box is like a BE3 205 box, so you'll need to do effectively a BE3 pedal+cable conversion for it to work easily.



I don't know if a BE1 cable can be made to work a BE3 style clutch arm.

Edited by welshpug

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but i thought a be1 and be3 cable were different? the car has got what i would call a be3 cable!! i.e go's to a fixed arm instead of like my track car box, L shaped bolt on arm!!!


Also, so a be1 mi box and a be3 mi box both have the same fixed arm, but one has lift reverse and other not?? correct??? lol

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1st part, yes they are different, so it sounds like a BE3 conversion has been done already.


2nd part, yes.

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Got ya, so if i have lift reverse in my track car and i was after a mi box, and i had be3 cable /pedal i could buy either be3 or be1 mi box!!!


and, with regard to rhul's car, i could just do a straight swap of the 1.9 8v box to the mi box as he has be3 cable/pedal and also lift reverse!!!

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sounds like it yes :)

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nice, and the last thing, can i use the release bearing currently on car or do i need a different one?

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Again a mith that BE1 clutch operation isn;t like the BE3, Just like late BE3's are different again to confuse you even more,

But general rule is 205 BE1's use the pin and the arm bolted on the box, 405's are different and use the better designed clutch Arm with the shaft in the box as do all 06's abit in different forms of push and pull operation.

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if as it sounds, it has a BE3 style clutch arm, and its in good condition, yes :)

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