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Oap Drivers? Should They Be Made To Take There Tests Again?

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I don't think any of this has anything to do with how difficult the driving test is or how often you have to take it for that matter. All of the things mentioned in this topic have nothing to do with passing your test (apart from the OAP specific parts!!), if you did any of these on your test you would fail.


The problem is the way people see the driving test, once they pass they drive however they want. Even if you had to take a refresher test every week, people would be on their best behaviour for the test then be utter c*nts as per usual the rest of the time.


A more fitting test would be an aptitude test, fail it once and that's it, minimum 1 year ban, up to about 25, fail it after 25 and you can't drive ever, if you can't grasp how you should be going on by then then you're not going to get any better, before then it could be put down to being young and daft, by 25 you should have grown out of it!


People can argue that the test is too hard as it is, but what they don't realise is people's lives are at stake.


Another idea is to be able to report wankers that obviously shouldn't be on the road, and then something actually gets done about it! The problem is this is open to abuse, I've been reported to the police a number of times, through random arguments and them seeing it as a way at having a go at me, or for having a slightly noisy exhaust which obviously means I'm speeding :lol:

Whats wrong with wanking while your driving :blush::lol:

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I've had an old bloke pull out into the side of the pug. I was following my mate into bristol and this old guy in a Swift just decided he'd pull out of a junction into my rear wheel! maybe he was trying to get into the gap behind me and went WAY too early.


I think that every 10 years, we should have to do a re-take, but the problem with that is the cost of motoring would go up. a better option would be less camera's and more cops out and about ion the roads. and then maybe a re-test every 20 years, or at certain ages, rather than it being self-certificated as it is now. the test wouldnt have to be as labourious as the one first time around, but just a trip into town, back out and then some manouvoures. more like a check-up than a test.

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as I said mandatory Eye test every 2 years and done at the same time you have to pass a hazard awareness test and a reaction test results of which is checked on application of road tax.

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There is nothing wrong with lorry drivers we are doing a difficult job in difficult circumstances :)

i mean have you ever tried to eat a variety meal while driving along at 70 mph :P



But then again he was foreign and it was his first Kentucky hot wing experience :(


Lets not forget that the lorry driver in that was not at fault!

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Personally, I think all drivers should have to do what I have to do - my licence is only ever issued to me for 3 years maximum for medical reasons. Every three years I have to be reviewed and if I'm ok I get another licence for three years. So if the DVLA are doing this for me (and loads of other people) why can't they do it for all drivers ? That way when you get older and you thus fail a medical review then you won't be able to drive. Simplez.

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