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Wiring In A Stereo

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Hi guys, as some of you many know I am taking part in the Mongol Rally next month - its a s*it long way and our vehicle (an ambulance) doesn't have a stereo, I've changed stereos over myself as I'm sure most people have, but how would I go about installing one from scratch in a vehicle that doesn't have the fittings? or should I just pay for an auto electrican?

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You just need a live, so find something behind the dash that has a switched live and tap in to that. Then you need an earth, so tap into an existing earth or earth it to bare metal on the body somewhere. Then just by a reel of speaker wire and run that to your speakers.


If you want it to hold it's settings, it'll have a battery back up live, or something similarly named, which you'll need to connect to a permanent live source. If you don't wire it through something connected to the fusebox, make sure you put an inline fuse in the connection.

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Thanks guys, it there anywhere I could buy a pack with the wiring I need?

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Thanks guys, it there anywhere I could buy a pack with the wiring I need?


should be able to find what you need at any motorist centre bud,


also were you going to fit an aerial to pick up radio?

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should be able to find what you need at any motorist centre bud,


also were you going to fit an aerial to pick up radio?

Not sure what the local radio stations are like in Mongolia but probably not!! It had a emergency services radio fitted so it might be even easier than I expect.

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