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Fitting Of 13 Row Mocal Oil Cooler Onto Mi16

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hi i am going to fit an oil cooler to my mi16 but i need some advice on doing so.


the cooler is going to be fitted at the front in the spare fan area on the drivers side.

i have opened the front end up and trimmed the center piece of the fan cowel but the cooler is fairly large so i will have to cut a fair bit off of the plastic for it to fit as it is a tight space and having a large capacity alloy radiator doesn't help much ether and even when i do get it fitting in position it is going to be a bit of a pain for mounting because there isn't relay anything solid for fixing to apart from maby the metal arm that secures the bumpers.also what way have others routed there pipes for the cooler back to the block?


does any one have any pictures of the installation of their cooler cutting of the fan cowels routes of their piping for the cooler.



here are a few pics of the cooler and the car and where it should go.


i cant up load the pics on here because there off my phone and it wont let me up load more than 500k so i will have to put the links in there on photo bucket


all opinions and advice welcome good or bad

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