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Electrolytic Cleaning

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I decided to give electrolytic cleaning a bash this evening, theory being you submerge the item you want to clean in an electroltic solution ie water with soda in it, connect up the item to be cleaned to the negative side of a DC power supply with the positive supply side connected to some steel which acts as a sacraficial anode.


So i got myself a tub and some soda from Wilkinson's.




I tried using my battery charger but it's a bit of electronic clever one i think as it can give out various error messages and it didn't appear to be outputting any current when i connected it up. (it definitely works though when connected up to a car battery) I therefore abandoned it after a while as it didn't appear to be working and dug out an old computer PSU from the attic.




It stated on the side that it had different voltages/amps however i was only able to find a 5volt rail when connecting my multimeter between the various pins that plug into the motherboard. When i checked the amps across it was only reading 0.1A which wasn't a lot at all. Anyone have any suggestions how to kick the other power rails into action? like when you press the power button on the computer as the fan wasn't running or anything but the PSU definitely works OK.


I decided to test an old hub I had kicking around and I've used a spare section of angle iron as the sacrificial anode






so I've left it running overnight but I'm not convinced the power supply is working as it should.


Any suggestions on the PSU?

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That's just the standby supply - you need to switch the supply on by earthing the P-ON or Soft Power-On wire to ground - it was pin 14 on the old 20pin connectors IIRC, you'll need at least an amp or current or so being drawn off the 5v line to keep the PSU stable as they use switching mode regulation.

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The PSU probably needs a load on the 5V rail before it will let you use the 12V rail too. If you put a small bulb between 5V and ground then that might be enough.


Put a 5W or 10W bulb in series with the electrodes too to limit the max current. If you use too many amps then it just fizzes like mad and eats up the anode without really doing much. If you keep the current low (<2A) and leave it as long as possible then it works a lot better.

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nice one!


just been out and bridged pin 14 to one of the grounds and the psu's kicked into life, the anodes started bubbling nothing too manic though. I'll leave it on tonight and see how it's faired in the morning

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nice one!


just been out and bridged pin 14 to one of the grounds and the psu's kicked into life, the anodes started bubbling nothing too manic though. I'll leave it on tonight and see how it's faired in the morning



I'll post the consulatancy fee out :)

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and i'll be sure to return it with a turd in the envelope :)

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I know where you live! :)

Edited by Rippthrough

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Ive read about this loads of times but never had the balls to do it. I cant wait to see how its worked for you. Good luck.

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checked it this morning and have a nice orange solution forming and the anode has got a fair bit of crap building on it. I'm going to stick a bulb in series though this evening as suggested and see how that helps.


Oh does te bulb need to go before of after the items being cleaned? or doesn't it matter?

Edited by M@tt

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It doesn't matter.

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didn't need a bulb in the circuit as it turned out as without it the current was only 1.9amps so ideal, with a bulb in the circuit it dropped right down to 0.2 amps so a bit too low so i've left it out.


i need larger anodes though, so the plan is to fit steel sheets around the inside of the tub and have a smaller tub sit inside it with lots of holes drilled around the sides this will allow the anode and cathodes to "see" each other but also prevent the parts from shorting with the anode


but inital attempts so far haven't been bad, the hub has shed most of its rust with some gentle brushing with a small wire brush

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Big tub + water + de-ox C



It's a lot easier Matt :)

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is De-ox C cheaper than washing soda though?

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at 78p for 1kg bag of soda and about £15 for De-ox C nope!!

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at 78p for 1kg bag of soda and about £15 for De-ox C nope!!


Plus power supply, plus electric, plus more clean steel for anode, and extra tubs to keep them seperate....

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Still cheaper than Deox-C, and most of it reusable.

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my dad did this years ago and it gave good results

still if you not happy you could always give them a viniger bath to finish

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he's just after getting the excuses for going out to the shed in early, "Sorry love, got to go monitor this electrosys thingy, back in a bit"

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I did my hubs, a load of other bolts and other bits in a bucket of malt vinegar.

15p a pint bottle, tesco basics.

Left it for a few days and they came out clean enough for me after a bit of brush.


My hands smelt of vinegar for days and it stained the kitchen bucket, which I got in trouble for but it works.


Still, using electricity is much cooler.

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he's just after getting the excuses for going out to the shed in early, "Sorry love, got to go monitor this electrosys thingy, back in a bit"


exactly :lol:

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Money's still on the 27th

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