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Anyone Know Where This Goes?

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As per the title this plastic bit fell out of the gear box as i juggled it to remove from car, I'm guessing it did not start off inside but what is it and where does it go.







As ever any suggestions welcome. As a mechanic i make a good lecky :D , not so used to all these mucky bits though :(


sorry if the pictures do not arrive its my first time with pictures.

well it's worked on the preview so here goes :)



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Its a blanking plug to stop sh1t getting to the flywheel and clutch, it goes in a slot either on top or near the front side I think.

Edited by Goliath

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Its a blanking plug to stop sh1t getting to the flywheel and clutch, it goes in a slot either on top or near the front side I think.


As above, blanks off the g'box cutout for viewing the flywheel timing marks. after having one fall out and foul the clutch arm, leading to an unscheduled gearbox removal :blink: , I now throw these away.

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