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Snapped Head Bolt

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Just removed my head on my mi16 and on of the head bolts has snapped :)

what can i do ?


thanks for any info



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Put simply, you are in the s*it!


Is there any of the bolt protruding? Is so you can wind 2 nuts on, tighten one against the other and theu unwind the stud by using a spanner on the botton nut.


If it is broken off flush, maybe you can carefully weld a nut to it and unwind it.


If this does not work you could try a screw extractor, you will have to drill down the centre of the snapped stud, then wind in the extractor which has a left hand thread, it will catch and then hopefully unwind the snapped stud.


Use plenty of penetrating oil. And i dont mean wd40 s*ite, buy some real penetrating oil.


An engineering company would be able to drill and rethread your block for you. it may mean the engine out though!




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Just removed my head on my mi16 and on of the head bolts has snapped :)

what can i do ?


thanks for any info




Don't stress mate. I had this happen twice on my 8v 205 on the same rebuild, one bolt was already broken when I bought the car :wub: and the other snapped when I was undoing it.


As Bouver said, get some proper penetrating solution and get the bolt soaking in the hole before you try anything. Because the bolts go right through and out the bottom of the block they get seized in position.


I got one of mine out by making a sleeve to guide a drill into the bolt and then used an easy-out. I ended up using a cobalt composite bit because the bolts are pretty tough, but you should be right with a normal bit. The other bolt required a professional to come out and drill the thread out and then put a timesert in (all in situ), cost me 200 aussie bucks (100pounds) and a bit over an hour.


The engine has done 10k of hard km's and not a problem as yet, also did the 300degree tightening without a problem. Have a crack or if you're worried get someone around. G'luck!

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