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Heater Fan

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Hi guys,


New GTi owner here!


How hard is it to remove the heater blower in the 205, its blades are catching somethign and making one hell of a racket.


On full chatt its vibrating the seats!


Also it doesnt seemt to have much grunt in terms of airflow, is it possibel that one of the pipes has come off the back of the blower?


in addition to this it seems to take ages for the hot air to come through to the car, a good 15min of idling, and then its not really hot engough to de mist the screen - is this normal?


My old diesel 205 would cook sausages on the windscreen vents within a mile of leaving home, i always said that it was the best heating any of my cars have ever had, but this is dismal.



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Hi its easy to remover just lay down in the passenger footwell and look up!

3 screws to remove and the 2 wires that plug into it and away you go.

As for the rest i'm sure someone else can answer. :(

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Probably the bearings are shot. They can be overhauled but easier to get a working one. Might just need some lube though.


No hot air is most likely a blocked or broken heater matrix (got any leaks in the cabin?) or a problem with the thermostat. Check the scuttle under the windscreen wiper at the front of the car and look for blockages that may interupt air-flow.

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Spray some WD40 onto the pin sticking out of the top (fan blade side). The car will stink for a bit, but works a treat.


I happen to like the smell of WD40 so it's no big deal :blush:


Also, GSF do replacement ones for about £40 afaik. www.gsfcarparts.co.uk

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Lack of effort could be the resistor next to it, they get a bit old and don't work properly, causing the fan not to spin at full speed.

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That's a Rheostat - I think GSF do them. That or a breaker.


Usually if that's gone they just blow cold all the time.

Edited by spikey_richie

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I think its a french thing pugs 205 and ren 5 have the same prob with the blower fans

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