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2l Mi16 Exhaust With Lambda Sensor....

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Basiclly, my car was loward 65mm at the rear (stupid) and because of that the lamda sensor has hit the floor/speed ramps....also it was positioned stright under the pipe (verticly), not the best idea...its sposed to be at 45deg i think?


As my system is old and needs renewing (blowing in a couple of place's) im going to get a new one either from Des or get a Pug sport one. ( I have the 2L iron block from a 405 1995)


At the moment there is a silencer after the lambda sensor then stright to the back box....will i need a CAT to pass the MOT? (I think thats the point of the lambda sensor though...) My 205 is an 88 model.


The main question is, can i buy a system with a lambda sensor socket allready in....or will i have to weld the nut??


Also what type of lambda sensor do i need?


Anyone got any price's


Cheers in advance!!



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My lambda sensor boss had to be welded into my maniflow downpipe just after the join. Not aware of anyone who does one off the shelf, since the 205 obviously would never have needed one by default (well, never had that engine, let's face it!), but I don't rate it as hard work to put the boss in for any adept welder. Go to a place like a Powerflow dealer and they should provide the service, no problem.

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