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Early And Late Doors

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On my phase 1 gti, the doorcards are noticeably smaller, with painted metal running above where they clip, but on phase 1.5 and 2 they fit alot higher, right up to the window, with no metal on show.


Are the doors themselves different, with differing places for the trim to be clipped in on later models to earlier one? Or do later model doorcards still clip in the same place, but come higher up the door?


Ive had later models myself but cant remember for the life of me!


In the pics are my white phase 1 door, with the mounting holes underneath the metal that is always on show, even with the trim fitted:






But in this pic of a later door, the card comes right up to the window, but does it still clip in the same place, yet cover the metal unclipped? And therefore are the doors the same?



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Yes, the doors are the same :( The extra covering has tabs which fit under the mirror trim and inner window weatherseal to secure it and a different trim around the lock pin for location,too.

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Ah, spank you very much! As said I've had later cars before, 3 of them infact, but I just couldn't remember! Must be my old age! Thanks alot! - James

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