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Help Me With My Dilemma

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Sorry if this has been covered but search is down.


I bought an Mi16 engine about 6 months ago (at a time when GTI 6 engines seemed quite expensive) for £325 including ecu, loom, afm and some water pipes. Turns out there was a fair bit of wear and so far I've had the crank reground (£135) and have managed to get hold of another set of pistons and rods (£40). I've stripped the head and it's currently having the valve seats recut and several of the valve guides replaced, followed by a skim (should get this back from QEP on saturday) - don't know cost of this yet. I've also bought a baffled sump and need to get an oil pump pick up extension and get it welded to pick up.


I still need to get hold of some decent liners and get them honed, plus new inlet cam (£150? for Cat cams - original is badly worn), piston rings, main and big end bearings.


I reckon I've probably spent about £700 so far and need to spend about another £350 to get the engine back together again - plus things like clutch, uprated engine mounts and water and oil pipes which I'd need for any engine swap.


My dilemma is I've seen a couple of GTI 6 engines sell recently for £550 - £600, complete with ECU, loom and (for one at least) complete water pipes. These have all allegedly done about 60-75k miles - so I'm presuming I could just drop straight into car without rebuilding. Should I stick with the Mi rebuild, or would I be better off cutting my losses and just buying a GTI 6 engine - it's a newer engine, better spares availability and shouldn't need rebuilding yet.


And what might my current selection of Mi bits be worth?


What do you reckon?





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Either way you are going to be out of pocket B)

Since you have already spent a load on this engine you might as well finish it , cos you know its been done properley :)

Buying another engine of unknown quantity might result in the same thing again ... :P

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Your half way there, and matt is building you a head for the Mi, so keep with it!

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Cheers for the support - I'll keep going with the Mi then.



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