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Another Starting Issue

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Noticed a month or so ago that the starter was taking a fraction of a second to respond to turning the key, which then became half a second... which then turned into nothing happening sometimes. Then it stopped working all together, so i pulled the starter out and replaced the brushes (thinking that was the issue).


Today it spun fine with jumper leads, so i refitted it and nothing has changed. There is a click from the fusebox, but nothing from the starter. A decent search suggested i look at the brown multiplug under the dash, which i don't have. I'm using a mi16 loom which has the starter circuit seperate to the big plugs (i have two and the power block?).


Anyway, i've checked out the loom and it looks fine. It was only fitted a couple of months ago anyway, so it should be ok.


Does the way it stopped working suggest anything? Perhaps starter barrel? Any pointers appreciated, as i am not sure where to look next.

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having exactly the same issue. exactly.. well nearly, when its hot, it won't do anything, except the click from the relay on the fuse board in the glove box. mine has also been getting worse, give it a few minutes to cool and its ok. I've tried different relays.. so was stumped


I even had the alarm replaced because i thought it was the alarm malfunctioning.


Spoke to anthony about it, and he said it could be two things, the starter or the wiring. to isolate the issue, wait till its misbehaving then connect a wire from the battery to the starter terminal, not sure which ones, and if the starter fires its the wiring. If not its the starter. if its the wiring, you could run a bypass and see if that helps.. although if its the wiring, i'm gonna have to head scratch and figure out which wire.

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Mine has stopped working at all now... I put the jumper leads on it today and it spun fine, so the issue is in the car.


I'm just hoping it isn't in the loom somewhere. If i was to bypass it do i just cut a wire near the barrel and add a new bit straight to the solenoid?

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Spoke to anthony about it, and he said it could be two things, the starter or the wiring. to isolate the issue, wait till its misbehaving then connect a wire from the battery to the starter terminal, not sure which ones, and if the starter fires its the wiring. If not its the starter. if its the wiring, you could run a bypass and see if that helps.. although if its the wiring, i'm gonna have to head scratch and figure out which wire.


ok on your starter motor you have two electrical connections. One is a big ring terminal which is a permenant live to the motor. The second is a smaller wire. XU9 starters have a push on terminal, later xu10 have a small ring temrinal (in my experience anyway) and this is a switched live from the ignition barrel which fires the solenoid.


If your solenoid is not firing (and thus starter not spinning) then pull the switched live connection off, and rig up a temporary replacement which you can touch directly to the live terminal of the battery. If you do this without the keys in the ignition it should still spin, if you turn the key to position 2 and then do it, the engine should fire up. Either way, if you do that and the solenoid shows sign of life then your wiring is at fault. If you do this and it still does not fire (assuming you have done it correctly) then your starter motor will need changing, and hopefully that will cure it.

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It was the ignition switch. The guy i get bits from said it sounded like the barrel was responsible, so i got a new one. Starts very nicely now!

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intresting, does this mean you have a diferent key to your door locks now though?

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intresting, does this mean you have a diferent key to your door locks now though?


Unfortunately i now have three keys... not sure what i'm going to do about that.


The guy i get bits from mentioned that he is selling lots of 205/405 barrels though, so it sounds like a common problem.

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right... off to get a new ignition barrel then

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rescue dude

My xu9 still plays up after i fitted a new barrel so mine is brown multi-plug.................................................... probably.

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Dream Weaver

You should all fit a separate relay and have your own starting circuit - look at the Emerald loom in my sig for details.


I used to have awful starting issues - car now starts first time every time, and starts much quicker than it used to :)

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I found you mention that a few times when i was searching the other day. I actually had a seperate circuit with a relay, but went back to standard when the mi16 went in recently.


I'm tempted to refit it, but as it's starting nicely now it seems a shame to mess with it. The old barrel was obviously more worn that i realised though, as it is almost telepathic now - it seems to fire as soon as i touch the key!

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