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Identifying A Gearbox?

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Hello, sorry but have done a quick search but the net here is so slow its driving me mad and would take days so just gonna ask.


Have got 6 gearboxs lying around that are from various Pugs and was wondering is there any easy way to idetify which gearbox is which with out stripping each one down.


And if they do have serial numbers does anybody have a list of which gearbox came on which Peugeots 205 and 405 models,


cheers for the help and sorry if this has been asked a million times before...



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one easy identifier is the bracket for the short linkage on the top of the diff housing, they differ from 205's to 405's and 306's.


there are I'D numbers but they arent very well documented, make a note of what you have and someone may be able to dig something up for you.

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