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Race Springs

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Hi all


I use my 205 for track racing.


My (front) springs seem too stiff. Unfortunately I do know the the exact spring rate.


Can anyone recommend a rate for track racing.





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i'v heard that 185lb is a good starting point

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Anything from 300lb to 450lb

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Does any of you have experience with those rates?



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It's all down to what you like, What someone think's is good may not be to your liking as with any suspension set up,

Thing's like the ARB's, Rear torsion bar size all have a effect on it


I'd start at about 225lb as I ran this on mine, the car was well balanced but it had the std size rear torsion bar,

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Yes Martin, we run numerous cars with the settings I listed. Personal preference does come into it to a degree, for the cost of springs it is worth trying a few sets till you find what suits you best.

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Does it not depend on numerous factors, added to what's already said above, -damping rates, what tyres you run, -obviously slicks are going give much higher grip therefore you'll want a much stiffer setup.

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It definately does depend on lots of different things, how stiff the shell is, what suspension you run, circuit, driver preference etc etc.

I've got 225lb springs on bilstein PTS suspension on a rally car which is great for smooth and rough surfaces on the same stages. However I would run more like 300-400lb for smooth race circuits if I didn't need to lump over kurbs and hit pot holes at high speed! I'd then play with the settings until I found my happy medium, because it also depends on how stiff you have the rear set up as well and what sort of balance you want etc.

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If it helps... to date i've run my car on Spax RSX shocks front and rear. Obviously the rears don't have springs! But i've run the std torsion bars and arbs on front and rear. On track the rear shocks have been far too soft. The front springs I'm running on the front are 275lb which is std afaik with the RSX kit. This spring rate has been fine to date but now i'm used to driving the vehicle at speed on track i'm finding this is still too soft - so it's time to update the front arb and see how that goes along with fitting a new roll cage to the suspension mounts.


So in short... i'd personally start off with 275 springs and decent shocks and see how you get on. As and when you start to get to the limits of this set up then i'd up the ante... pay as you go sort of mentality.


I hope this helps.



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275lb in springs are a good starting point, you may want to go a bit harder for track use possibly 350 but you will need to stiffen the rear a little so it doesnt under steer to badly.

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Thanks for the pointers guys.


Anyone who can reccomend a shop to get the springs.

Usually i use Demon Tweeks

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