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Specialist Peugeot Tool?

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I'm trying to remove the Shock Absorber nut which holds the shock into the strut, from my 106. In the past I've just clamped it up with mole grips and bashed the hell out of it to get it out, but I want to keep the risk of breaking things down to a minimum, and try and do it properly this time.

According to Mr. Haynes, the Peugeot Dealer special tool is 0618A, does anyone know if these are available from anywhere, if any third party ones have been created by a tool manufacturer?

Or if or what other tools You've used in the past to do the same job, as all 106's have the same front suspension design.


Cheers Chris

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Rob Thomson

An impact gun will whizz them off (and back on) in a couple of seconds. If you haven't got your own a garage would probably do it free of charge as it won't take any time.

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Rob Thomson

Whoops - wrong nut.


Big pair of grips does the job.

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Yeah, I don't mind bashing the old one off, but I just want to try and keep the new one in good condition, as I always seem to mangle up the new one when I'm trying to tighten it up, even if I use some rag as padding.

Just thought there might some sort of spanner with lugs for it.

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Nick C
Yeah, I don't mind bashing the old one off, but I just want to try and keep the new one in good condition, as I always seem to mangle up the new one when I'm trying to tighten it up, even if I use some rag as padding.

Just thought there might some sort of spanner with lugs for it.


I have just done this on my 106, used a small square bar or the like and a big hammer to losen it. Some people use a big pair of stilsons (or whatever they are). Failing that pop to pug.



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I don't often prescribe this, but a hammer and blunt chisel.

Edited by sandy309

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I used a torx bit in the shock absorber and a 21mm ring spanner on the nut. Failing that if you have a 21mm socket and a good pair of mole grips that always works.


Remember to compress the springs first though buddy!!

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Yeah, if you are talking about the top of a front shock then an offset ring spanner is what you need. Not a special tool but also less easy to come by than the usual type.

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I know these can get rusty so a good whack with a hammer or a air hammer can do the trick.

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