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Gas Analysers Anyone Has Experience?

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Does anyone have any experience with Gas analysers? I have now now but it is fairly pricy to calibrate.


I'm just wondering how much the figures would be out if there are out at all..


Its a 5 Gas analyser with lamba prope.. Called a Servitron 196 if that makes and sense to anyone..

Edited by christopher

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I have had a little experience though not with that particular model. Regarding calibration the one I used was self calibrating as it was linked to a computer. If your worried the oine you have is out then cheapest method would be get a local garage to measure your emissions noting outside temp, engine temp and speed then repeat under same conditions with your analyser and see if you get the same results. It would have to be done in a short time scale though to be anywhere near accurate but it will give a good indication.

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