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I'm Lazy!

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Anyone fancy taking a picture of where the speedo cable goes into the gearbox and how the clutch is connected? Lol.

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No but I can describe it nearly as well!


The speedo drive is on the side of the diff (Offside) pull out the rubber plug from the side of the white pastic housing and slip the cable in the top and push the rubber plug back in to hold it secure.


The clutch cable is anchored onto the top of the gearbox casing and the inner goes into the hoop on the end of the clutch operating lever. You have a set of plastic and metal washers and a couple of nuts to secure the inner and provide a means of adjustment to the clutch cable.


How's that?

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Anyone fancy taking a picture of where the speedo cable goes into the gearbox and how the clutch is connected? Lol.
You shoulda texted me dude! Even I know those things lol

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