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Name That Tool

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I need a device that I can use to push the pillars out on a car (stupidly welded my B pillar at wrong angle). I want something I can put against the cage inside and push the pillar out so needs to be roughly the width of the interior. Hoping I can hire one but dont want to look a tw4t ringing up and not knowing what Im asking for.

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I need a device that I can use to push the pillars out on a car (stupidly welded my B pillar at wrong angle). I want something I can put against the cage inside and push the pillar out so needs to be roughly the width of the interior. Hoping I can hire one but dont want to look a tw4t ringing up and not knowing what Im asking for.


It's called porta-power


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As above.


If you weren't so far away, you could gladly borrow our 10 tonner for a weekend.

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How about a bottle jack and a piece of 2x4? Secured in place with rope to stop it pinging out and hitting you in the face?

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^^^ Depending on the distance between B post and cage, a standard car scissor jack might do the trick too :)

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I'll have to take it from the cage on opposite side, theres only about 1 inch between cage on post on the problem side.

Im thinking of putting the car side on to the rear end of the rover and then using a 5 ton ratchet strap from the pillar to the towbar on the rover, hopefully it will give me enough control to do it gradually.


@Paintguy, in your experience when its pulled out will it spring back at all? IE shouldit be pulled say 1/2 inch out to allow for it coming back when released?

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Whilst it's hard to give a figure, it'll certainly spring back slightly once the tension is released.


Take it easy, pulling it a little further than required, release the strap, and see where the pillar 'rests'. You can always pull it a little further if you need to, but it's not a good idea to keep pulling it backwards and forwards if you overshoot every time (if you see what I mean)

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ok, so now i'm sober i've done a quick drawing of how i did both my front bars and b pillar bars . this is pushing out obviously . pushing inwards the scissor jack sounds a good idea.


just a couple of wedges nailed onto an old fence post . i needed to cut notches out of the fence post to positively locate it round the vertical bars on the cage.


cheers, Al

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