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Detailing (or Washing And Waxing To Us Normal People)

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Right then, I've decided to go a bit OTT and spend a s*it load of money on some good products with a view to pulling my finger out of my ass and learning how to 'detail' to some extent. The reason being two fold - firstly because I want to give my 1.6 some renovation before I sell it (ironically I haven't given it a proper polish and wax in the whole time I've had it, so this will probably be the best it's looked in the whole time :D ). Secondly, I want to try and get in to the habit of keeping my new 205's bodywork in tip top condition, since it's already pretty good.


I've seen the error of my ways, having totally neglected my 1.6's bodywork, so I don't want to make the same mistake again :D


So I've read Andy C's guide, and have read the advice on the Polished Bliss website, and I think what I need to do is the following (note: I don't have a machine polisher)


1 - Wash with shampoo and lambswool/microfibre mitt

2 - Clean with a claybar

3 - Polish to remove swirls and dead paint

4 - Polish with a glaze

5 - Apply sealer

6 - Apply carnuaba wax


Appreciate that not all steps are necessary, but for an OTT approach is this in the right order?


Now, on to products....


Having done a quick shop about on the net and on eBay etc, Polished Bliss seems to have the best prices, so I'll probably order most of it from them. Please cast an eye over the list and tell me what you think, if you are familiar with any of this:


Clay - Meguiars Quick Clay

Glaze - Menzerna Finishing Touch Glaze

Sealer - Poorboys EXP

Wax - can't decide between Poorboys Nattys paste (£11.95), Pinnacle Signature II (£24.95) or P21s (£21.95). I'm swaying towards the P21S, but then if I go for the Poorboys, which is obviously half the price, my order value will go just high enough to get an additional discount (can't get the P21S from Polished Bliss).


I haven't included Shampoo or Polish in the list as I already have Autoglym products.



Lastly, I noticed there is no supplier or detailing products in our list of discounters :D Too late for me, but isn't it worth looking into or is there not enough interest on here?

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Ideally you want to stick to a single manufacturer, or at least known combinations in case a certain product reacts to another, or even just the case that they dont work as well together.


On a 205 it may be worth popping off the trim panels to avoid contamination (and to clean underneath) it makes the job a lot easier, and you can use a decent cleaner on the plastics without fear of damaging the paintwork


Time and patience is the main thing though :D


(a very nice transformation in that article, but its got crap ring fogs pointing at the ground! and it still wont a comp :D )

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You could always try Serious Performance .

I have used the Meguiars clay but preferred the Clearkote clay and quik detailer combo.

I think if you are a PSOOC member you get 10% discount. I always used to buy my P21S from here but it doesn't seem to be listed anymore. I always used to call direct as well.



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I wouldnt bother with your 1.6 every panel is a different shade of red! Just sell it at night

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Have you replaced that door decal as well yet? :D :D

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Tekno and Maturin - bloody kiss my bum ya pair o dobbers!


No, I've not replaced the decal. Only the tailgate and door are a different shade (but the same as each other). And I already have a buyer, thanks.


I think the old girl deserves some attention before she goes off to her new home. Plus, it will be a practice run for future cleaning.


Now, does anyone else have any sensible replies?

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Process I used the last two times I did the cars:

washed using washmitt, I clayed using sonax (sp) green clay, then used Autoglym SRP for polishing, Autoglym EGP for glazing followed by Natty's blue paste wax.


Car was like a mirror afterwards ;)


If SRP can't get rid of any swirls you need to try something stronger like Poorboys swirl remover 2.5 or have the car machine polished.


Another combination that I have found working well is Meguiars scratch-X followed by Meguiar's gold liquid wax.


I bought the products I needed from serious performance and they arrived quickly.


I am sure people like Andy_C will be able to help more :P

Edited by feb

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Try http://www.autopia-carcare.com/


They do Sonus, Meguires, Autoglym, Klasse etc products and offer up to 20% off selected products through a club discount scheme with another club i'm a member of. The good thing is they are american, so products are quite cheap with the strength of the pound and they fill out the customs slips with everything having a value of $5, so Mr Brown doesn't pay too much attention. 4 day delivery time too...usually.


Send them an email and negotitate a deal for this club pooface



EDIT/ - http://www.poorboysworlduk.co.uk/index.php also offer a 10% discount, might be worth asking for on behalf of the club.

Edited by WildCards

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Think AndyC is on there but they have a guide section which details on best methods to use and the like which is very usefull. Of course they also have lots of posts on products and the like as well.



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Your list looks OK to me mate - no harm in mixing and matching at all - and remember it's technique over product as you can easily end up spending very serious money indeed just to achieve a result fractions better. The polishing stage is the most important as this is where you'll get the paint looking its best ;)

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Been looking at the detailingworld forum, talk about inspiring!

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You never know, I might even wash her weekly aswell, keep the two-tone effect going :(. Something i've never done before, from what i've seen a good wash and polish has miracle effects

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What about giving it a run over with a PC polisher? I've seen them working wonders on crappy paint.




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